Monday, May 14, 2007

On the topic of Seattle..

I remember when we all came out to visit Ben after he moved there and went to see him at work at Ride.

Ben had talked about the half pipe at work and how he could skate board now. None of us believed it but he had the opportunity to prove us wrong. Afterwards, of course, dad wanted to try. Mom protested but dad did it anyway. I think he maybe got as far as standing on the skateboard....maybe. Then wiped out, hard. Dad learned maybe he wouldnt be able to skateboard. but, man...that is so much of his character, he was never that father you could get birthday cards for about 'sharing the remote control'. He was active, he was involved, and he was so fun. Ive missed his smile so much lately. Even the absolutely beaming smile he gave me in his last few days where after he told me a story about his childhood....he pulled my hair and told me he had been lying the whole time.
So many stories, so little time.
I will miss him always and love him forever.
Daddy's little girl

1 comment:

Greg said...

I saw your post about your dad. I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about father-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Daddy's Little Girl.

Gregory E. Lang
Author, Why a Daughter Needs a Dad