Before we leave the funny stories, can anyone remember the details of the one about the “party boat” in Edgartown harbor a few summers ago? I can only remember the outline but Stuart’s recounting of the story was hilarious. I haven’t known Karen and Stuart long, but I count myself very lucky to have met them. Karen, thank you for bringing us all together through the emails.
Nicky Burton
This may be the story you are thinking of. I sent this email to Karen last night but will repeat it here.
Attached is a visual memory from Mac and me. Tortola 2004. The four of us sailed on a charter boat around the British Virgin Islands with Stuart as our ever competent and patient captain. Luckily we did not have a repeat performance of our first bare-boat charter trip in the same area in 1982 when we ran aground on a sand bar within the first two hours at sea! Okay, I am revealing a secret that I think was never to be told... “But”, said Captain Stuart, “ I thought that island was much farther away than it looks on the chart!”
Another funny boating story took place a couple of years ago when we were anchored in the harbor at Edgartown overnight. Around two in the morning we were woken by loud female voices, music, and obvious drunken shenanigans on the boat moored next to ours. Stuart, in his boxers, rises from his bunk,jumps into the dingy, roars over to the boat and yells at the late night revelers to “Be quiet! People are trying to sleep here!”. The men on the deck of the boat yelled down to him in clearly non-American accents,” Hey! You want girls? We got girls here! Come on up!” We laughed so hard!
So many great stories... This is a great way to start them going.
Helen and Mac Crary
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