Monday, May 14, 2007


john kimball just reminded me of a story i should tell.

i had just pretty much accepted a job working as a design for Ride Snowboards (in Seattle!), and had to fly out there to: interview (on an ISLAND), find an apartment, and make a decision as to whether or not i actually take the job. we had something like 3 days, 2 nights. we stayed in a trendy but cool (glowing cubes for tables, but above a bar i think kept dad up at night) hotel. we wandered the city a bit, dad met my future boss ("styk", a 40 year old with a faux-hawk). eventually we did a mad dash of finding an apartment, in one day.. which we did. this involved picking a neighborhood in a city neither of us knew anything about, finding available apartments, seeing them (cat pee, bad carpeting, rotting ceilings, expensive rent) and eventually signing a lease. we did find the apartment. nice, with hardwood floors, and old ice box (which i turned into a wine rack) and arched doorways. an excellent studio apartment.

all of this left us just enough time to go over and see a movie at the imax theater inside of that old worlds fair park thing. i think it was raining (seattle, remember?), we were exhausted, and the only thing playing was the animated movie Robots. So we went.

Anyone seen this? It's basically about a son going off into the world, leaving his father's protective care and becoming an independent member of society. or at least that's what i recall.

By the end of the movie we look at each other and realize we had both been crying at the end. i'm not sure how many disney movies there are about this, but we, of course, managed to find the one out then and see it, as we had been overwhelmingly experiencing it for 3 long days.

another small snapshot: i think after a couple too many beer's one night (after accepting the job at Ride, i suspect) i also warned dad i'd be getting a ship tattoo for him. so, mom: he was warned.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Well, he never told me that he had an inkling that you were going to get another tatoo, but I have to say I was always a little surprised at how pleased he was that it was a ship!

As for the Robot movie story, he told me that story many times, and told me that he was SO glad that he could go out and spend that time with you, not only as a helping father, but as a two adult men, two friends. Yet it was also very bittersweet for him to help launch in you in your new life, and yet still wanting you to come home with him to the east coast. He loved you so much...and was so VERY proud of you.