Friday, May 11, 2007

She's all yours - Bob Martin

Another Stuart ski story.

Stuart, Randie & I are at Park City Utah. First day of a ski vacation. Sunny, warm, great snow. But my back has been acting up, and on the plane out I didn't think I'd be able to ski at all. But we go out. Do some of the easy stuff to warm up. Feels pretty good, so we go up to the hard stuff - Mcconkey's bowl. Nice steep, fat moguls, just the thing for Stuart. We head down, and I survive. I ask a dumb question at the bottom "want to do it again?". Of course. On the way up, I say that I'm going down the easy way. Randie says she'll go with me. And Stuart says he'll do the steep bumps again, what a surprise.

We get to the top, and Randie just launches over the edge into the steeps. I turn to Stuart and say "I'm not going there - she is all yours, take good care of her". He launches.

I get to the bottom. No Randie, no Stuart. I wait, wait, wait.

Finally, an embarrassed Stuart arrives - "You won't believe this, but Randie broke her leg - I waited with her until the ski patrol arrived"

So we jumped back on the lift, back down the steeps/bumps, to catch up with Randie.

At least Stuart & I had a great ski week!!!!!!!

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